Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Photoshop Experiment Note
The picture below is pretty small. Click on the image to see it bigger, it's much better. :)
Photoshop Experiment
Here's a picture I took of Chase while we were camping up at Antelope Lake last July. I thought I would get a little creative with it and photoshop it. I have a nice program but have been very intimidated by it. It's very involved! This is the first picture I've come up with that, I think, looks somewhat decent. Just a little sharpening, color change, and I enhanced Chase's eyes and the rippleing water around him. Isn't he handsome?!?! I love my little man!

Monday, August 24, 2009
First Day of School

Bella had her second ballet class today. We should know by wednesday if she's going to do ballet or hip hop. Lots going on, and I'm sure much more to report soon! Stay tuned....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Summer Recap
We did a lot this summer!! I had an amazing time, and I know my family did as well! First we had a long overdue visit from my dad. The kids had a blast with my dad (all the presents he brought for them helped *wink*) and they were sad to see him go.
But we were able to get one last pic in before he left. Notice that neither my dad or Chase wanted in on the picture, but a forced picture is better than none. :)

Bella learned to hoola-hoop really well!! It was so much fun to watch her learn. Also, Chase learned to ride his bike without any training wheels! He did have one little accident, but what is childhood without a few scrapes?

We of course made time for our precious guns. We went target shooting with some friends and had a blast...without the kids, of course.

We went to the lake a lot! Chase caught a fish and so did our friends' kid, Ben. What a lunker!

This pic of Garrett and I was the end of July, at Antelope Lake. We went camping for 3 days. The boys went fishing and of course we all went to the lake for a swim.

And then....well let's just say I went on strike. You should see the pics I didn't post! The house was a mess!!!! But fortunatly, everyone pitched in to clean.
I am looking forward to a great school year! I hope I don't have to work. I am looking forward to getting lots of stuff done around the house while everyone is gone, but we'll see how that goes. Also an update on Bella's ear piercing: Garrett was slightly upset, but only because he wanted to be there when she got it done. He's over it now, and I think he's looking forward to to the kids starting school as well. We'll have a lot more time alone together than we've had in over seven years! Yay for us!

Bella learned to hoola-hoop really well!! It was so much fun to watch her learn. Also, Chase learned to ride his bike without any training wheels! He did have one little accident, but what is childhood without a few scrapes?

We of course made time for our precious guns. We went target shooting with some friends and had a blast...without the kids, of course.

We went to the lake a lot! Chase caught a fish and so did our friends' kid, Ben. What a lunker!

This pic of Garrett and I was the end of July, at Antelope Lake. We went camping for 3 days. The boys went fishing and of course we all went to the lake for a swim.

And then....well let's just say I went on strike. You should see the pics I didn't post! The house was a mess!!!! But fortunatly, everyone pitched in to clean.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My Brave Girl
My friend and I took the kids to Wal Mart today to pick up a few things. While we were there I decided to get Bella's ears pierced. Garrett and I had been talking about it for a while now, and Bella has been wanting to do it. I don't really think she knew how it worked, but I think I preferred it that way. She looked really nervous for a second but it was so quick I don't think she had any time to change her mind. Her friend Maggie helped her pick out some cute heart earrings and she loves 'em!! I'm so glad I didn't get her ears pierced when she was a baby, I think it's a lot more fun when they make the decision on their own! That aside, Garrett doesn't know about it yet. He is due home any second now, and I hope he's not mad that I did it without him. :O Also, today was our last playgroup. The kids start school on Monday, so I'll be going to "coffee" from now on. Still don't know what I'm going to do. I'm sure I'll be busy as I've got Bella doing dance classes. Not sure if she's going to do ballet, jazz or hip hop, but either way it should be lots of fun!

Friday, August 14, 2009
Summer's Almost Over
I am very excited for school to start! I will definitly miss my babies, but I am excited to see what life will be like without my kids for several hours a day. I know that eventually I will be getting a job. We can't afford not to, but I definitly intend on taking at least a couple of weeks, if not a month or two to myself, and then decide what to do. All my friends are stay at home moms too, so I will always have them to hang out with. I guess we'll have to do coffee more often than one day a week. I can't really call it playgroup anymore because I won't have any little people to contribute to the group, so I'm going to just say coffee from now on. I am babysitting on monday, coffee on tuesday, babysitting again on wednesday, and then cleaning houses on thursday and friday. Busy week ahead, but not too busy to shop for my latest makeover project. Depending on how expensive it will be, it may need to wait 'til next month, but I am so excited to get started on it!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Movie and Mojito Night
This week I decided to spice up "movie and mojito night". Inspired by an article in one of the blogs I follow I decided on something easy and fun for even the kids to do.
I started with a few simple ingredients I have around the house. Pansys, mint leaves, blueberries, ice cube trays and, of course, water. I actually let the kids fill the trays. I knew they'd have a good time doing it. Also, if you're wondering, pansys are an edible flower (thanks for double checking on google for me honey).

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Boat Wine Rack
So, for some reason or another, I always get hand-me-down furniture. Don't get me wrong, I love 'em, but they always need a little TLC before they come in the house. Last year Garrett's grandma gave us a boat shaped wine rack. It was actually pretty decent, but VERY bland. It came in the house right away, but I always knew that I would need to re-do it. Well, inspired by my friend April, I decided it was time. All I did was stain the wood, and paint the sides, and what I got was a whole new piece! I love it, and can't wait 'til my next re-do project!
I took the whole thing apart and sanded it. Stained the wood, then painted the sides. Put the whole thing back together and viola! Definitly not as easy as it sounds. I actually ran into about a million problems with this thing. But luckily I have a very handy husband! Putting it back together was probably the hardest part, but I managed, and like I said, I am very happy with the results!

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