Today was the first day of school for the kids. Chase started the 2nd grade, and Bella started kindergarten. Everything went smoothly for about 10 minutes. I got Chase to his class, met his teacher, and we saw lots of people we knew from outside of school. Then it was off to Bella's classroom. Immediatly she knew something was not right. She kept telling me to stay with her. When it was time for me to leave she got upset, but I figured another few minutes and she would be okay. The next time I went to leave she really got upset. She started crying, so I decided to stay a little longer. Two other kids were crying, and eventually their moms decided to leave while they were in hysterics. I didn't think that would be my child. I finally decided to just leave, weather or not Bella wanted me to go, I was just done. She would not let go of me! She's never held onto me that tight! It was horrible! The teacher had to hold onto her while I walked away. I never felt so bad! So yeah, it was a little rocky, to say the least. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. She is still pretty young, so I guess that is to be expected. On a different note, my friend told me something today that made my heart sink! She has 5 kids and all but 1 are now in school. So little Ben said to his mom (very gloomily), as his brothers and sisters went off to school, "I guess it's just you, me and Bella." His mom didn't have the heart to tell him that Bella would no longer be at playgroups. Bella is the biggest pain, but I miss her already, and so does little Benny. :(
Something exciting! By accident, Copper and Koda have decided to make babies! What I mean by accident is, we had no idea that Koda was even in heat. So we'll have little beagle puppies in just a few short weeks. And if it's planned right, they should be ready about 10 days before Christmas!! How perfect did that work out?! I can tell that the kids are going to be upset when we sell them. Chase is already asking if we can keep one.
Bella had her second ballet class today. We should know by wednesday if she's going to do ballet or hip hop. Lots going on, and I'm sure much more to report soon! Stay tuned....
Great pictures. They look so cute, and she looks so happy on the playground! She will come around.