Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer's Almost Over

I am very excited for school to start! I will definitly miss my babies, but I am excited to see what life will be like without my kids for several hours a day. I know that eventually I will be getting a job. We can't afford not to, but I definitly intend on taking at least a couple of weeks, if not a month or two to myself, and then decide what to do. All my friends are stay at home moms too, so I will always have them to hang out with. I guess we'll have to do coffee more often than one day a week. I can't really call it playgroup anymore because I won't have any little people to contribute to the group, so I'm going to just say coffee from now on. I am babysitting on monday, coffee on tuesday, babysitting again on wednesday, and then cleaning houses on thursday and friday. Busy week ahead, but not too busy to shop for my latest makeover project. Depending on how expensive it will be, it may need to wait 'til next month, but I am so excited to get started on it!

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