Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Bell's First Tooth!

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Up Close And Personal
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Time To Catch Up!
Our family had a very nice little break from all the sicknesses we've had since September...a 3 week break to be exact...then it was right back to all the coughing, sneezing and sleepless nights. Chase ended up with a double ear infection with 1 ruptured eardrum. He has since recovered from that, but then yesterday I started feeling sick. I ended up throwing up all day. Then last night I was woken up by the sound of vomiting in the kids' room. Bella threw up all over her bed, the room, and a little on her brother. After that we just took turns running to the bathroom. Now today, my husband feels sick! I'm really hoping Chase sits this one out. He's missed so much school from being sick.
On another note, we signed Chase up for baseball. He is on the Orioles, and is very excited. We got all his gear (very expensive!) and are ready for the crazy season to start. My friend has her kid on the same team so I look forward to getting to visit with her at practices and games.
What else...oh, we got another dog. We ended up getting rid of our male beagle (he just wasn't fitting in) and we got another lab! Her name is Pepper, and we just love her! Garrett really wanted another lab. We haven't had one for a few years since Shadow died so I think it was just time for another. Here she is at about 3 months old. She's probably about 5 1/2 months now, and she is HUGE!

As far as my projects have been going, I haven't been doing very much. My latest is a window panel I've been repainting. So far it's turned out good, but I'm not sure the color is right for the room I want to put it in. I'll post some pics of it finished soon.
And that's about it for now. We're just enjoying life, even all the craziness it brings!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Redneck Freezer

So I open the freezer and look for the rack of pork spare ribs I know we have in there somewhere. Is it behind the deer steaks we have crammed in there? Nope. Then something catches my eye.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
2010 Is Already A Bust
On another note: I thought I had our last beagle sold. But then the lady called this morning and said she wasn't interested. All I could do was cry. It's not even a big deal, but every little thing is bothering me right now. I'm trying desperately to find that silver lineing, but can't quite find it yet.
I could really use some good news right about now...
Saturday, January 2, 2010
2009 IS OVER!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Our Beagles!!!!

And these are the fellas. Far left is Two-Face, Chocolate, and Big Boy....again, I know, no imagination. Chocolate is sold already, and of course he is our most popular one of the litter. I love them, but I'll definitly be happy to see them go.
Hummmm, what else? We had Bella's 5th birthday party. It was simple but fun, or at least it was supposed to be fun. When we picked Bella up from school she seemed really tired and grumpy, but it all made sense when she puked all over the Pizza Factory bathroom. The whole party was a bust! And now she keeps asking when we're gonna have her birthday party! I don't know how to explain to her that she done for the year. But oh well, she'll get over it.
Well that's about all that's been going on in this house. Lots of sickness and colds, and a lot of puppy work!
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Giessner Family Pets

R.I.P. Wormy...you will never be forgotten!
Bench Project
I thought it turned out really well, but thought it needed something more. So I took the advice of some of the ladies that commented on it, and decided to put our last name on it. It was definitly a chore, but I love the end result! All I did was pick out a font I liked on the computer. Printed it out, then used my exacto blade to cut out a stencil on thicker cardstock paper. I taped the paper where I wanted it, directly in the center. Then using a foam sponge paint brush, I dabbed on the black paint. This is what I got....

And then after hours of a simple project gone complicated, this is what I got.....

I know it probably would've looked nicer if it was a little bigger, but I couldn't get the font any bigger. I like it though, and I can set something on either side if I want to. After a few days, I realized that my kids were drawn to it. It took a beating, so I ended up putting a coat of polycrylic on. Now, hopefully, it will last even longer.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Catching Up
Koda is HUGE!!!! Just a week or so before we have puppies!!
I'm planning Bella's 5th birthday party. Small, but cool. Lots of pink, the way little girls like it. :)
Duck hunting on opening weekend, not me.
Halloween, still not even close to being ready. Although I did buy a few bags of candy, I still need more....
Thanksgiving and Christmas....don't even want to think about it yet.
Crazy life, check!
That's it for now. I'll catch up even more in a few days when, hopefully, I'll be better. :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Bench Makeover

Here it is from the top. There's no distressing on top. That's how I wanted it. It's long enough though to put our entire last name on it. What do you think? I'm entering this in Kimba's DIY day on Thursday, so look for it there! http://asoftplacetoland-kimba.blogspot.com/
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Leaves Are Turning
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Decopodge Fun!